- The Bible is God's infallible Word.
- The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-equal and co-eternal.
- Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and our only Savior.
- All people have sinned and need to be forgiven.
- God loves everyone and He is in a good mood.
- Christ died for our sins and rose again to save us.
- Salvation is a gift of God, by grace alone, through faith alone.
- Christians are responsible to love God and disciple all nations.
- Everyone will spend eternity in either heaven or hell.
- There is more, everyday is our opportunity for revival.
- The Holy Spirit enables us to live empowered day to day.
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and for every believer... so get some!
- Prayer
- Scripture
- Worship
- The Presence of God
- Love & Power
- Honor
- Family
- Healing & Miracles
- Generosity
- Creativity